Friday, March 16, 2007

Better Late Than Never

I promise I'll get into a regular posting routine here...honest. It's just that there's been so much going on. From the BF blowing out his back, the Landlords from Hell, the Crazy Neighbors X 2, the BF's back surgery and, oh baby girl got engaged! We're looking at August 11 for the wedding. Am I really old enough to have a child of marrying age?!? I guess so. Sigh. Well, it's a good thing that I only feel that old just every now and then, huh.
What with all that's been going on, I've still been planting seeds, sorting and washing fiber, spindling a wee bit and not knitting much at all. The Shawl That Doesn't End hasn't. But I did manage to crank out some simple dishcloths and polishing towels for the church kitchen and have baked a heck of a lot of my Magic Cookies (recipe upon request). As far as chasing Spring, I've gotten 5 dozen seedlings started for the gardens. Yes, plural. Not only will I continue with the Bucket Brigade from last year but will also borrow a friend's rototiller and help Heather; the Chicken Lady as well as Sandy and Steve get their plots going with space as my reward. After all, bucket-grown zuchinni only produces 1 or 2 fruits a season and that's not enough for me!
OK...have been uploading pics while doing this entry...should have more to show for my time upon my return.

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