Completed. In my own twisted way, of course but Hint 2 of
The Secret of the Stole is done. Just in time for Hint 3. Seriously. Just as I clicked to add my photo and post to
the Group that I had
finally finished the 2nd Hint, my email alerted and poof! There was Hint 3. Waiting. Mocking. Pointing at me...the
World's Worst Lace Knitter. Oh, and the World's Slowest Knitter too. Aack, it's all good. Sorta.

I've made many mistakes in here but I guess that's not too awfully bad because of all the right things I'm doing. Like learning. And paying attention. And trying new ways of doing things. And exercising my patience. And cleaning the medicine cabinet looking for Valium. (Just kidding but it's a thought!) I've gotten so bad that last night, while slicing smoked sausage for dinner, I was counting my slices! If I had tried to pass that slipped sausage over, I would have quit right there and then. With the butcher knife in my hand, onions flying, spices running amuck - not a pretty picture.

So this morning I'm all full of positive thinking. I have joined the
Mystic Waters Shawl KAL but purely as a lurker. Well, if I can ever get the freakin' swatch done, I might at least post that and do a quiet sort of intro. I really tried this morning. My DD brought me a set of the new Addi Turbo Lace circs and I even put out a treat for myself when I got the first repeat of the pattern done. HA! I couldn't get past the first row of garter! I am seriously thinking I need to try learning a new way to knit. I simply cannot feel the yarn (thread!) in either hand (too much damage from injuries) and have to look with my eyes for my fingers. Maybe if I try a more Continental style? And of course, I'm so stubborn that I'll learn with this teensy crap instead of pulling out some worsted from the ole stash. Sigh. Sometimes it sucks to be me. LOL? Being OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is not easy. Once that idea or task is in my head, it will happen or I'll die trying. Grrr. But for now, I'm going to go do something I know I'm good at. Like cleaning the cat boxes. I can sweep and mop too. Yeah. That'll work.
MMM, Milky Way. Yum! Great job on the stole. Admit it, you are having a little bit of fun knitting lace. Right?
Oh All right. Fun. Yes. I'm having fun knitting lace! Especially at the end of the rows when it all counts out right! Woohoo! (Besides, it beats the hell out of climbing around ditches and battling blackberries!) The more it rains, the more I get to knit and yes, I've already done 4 rows on Hint 3. Sigh. I'm pathetic. So easily enabled. Roaring with laughter at myself!
I think that it is looking beautiful! I don't see any mistakes at all and the pattern is so crisp and easy to see. Not like mine. But I am having fun!
Good luck with clue three!
I really like yours too Shari! Aren't we knitters a silly perfectionistic bunch?!? Thanks so much and I hope we both sail smoothly through Hint 3!
you are much faster than I am - still working on the first row of hint 2! And yours looks so great - i think I'll have to push away the socks tonight and go for more lace knitting :)
Hi Peachy! Work on socks instead? Nah - I had to put away a fiddly hemp/cashmere beret for my DD cuz it worked on my nerves worse than the lace work. More power to you Woman! And maybe I'm faster than I think since I rip out as much as I knit. Hmmm...stopwatch anyone?!?
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