Friday, October 5, 2007

First Hint for the Secret of the Stole!

This is what I'm supposed to be doing...sorting and organizing all of these sockets for one of our many tool boxes. Sneakers; our "antique" dog of 17 years, agrees and is patiently waiting for me to join her on the floor. In the mean-time, she's helping by mixing up the 3/8 inch drive with the 1/4 inch drive and making sure the metric and standard ones are all well blended - again. Sigh.
But THIS is what I HAVE been doing. 3 computers, 3 printers, 3 hours. That's what it took to get the first Hint from the Secret of the Stole KAL. I have a friend who is deep into Astrology and she warned me that with Mercury going retrograde that communications would be challenged for a while. Boy howdy, she wasn't kidding! I had computers on top of printers, side by side with other computers on top of could it not communicate with what it is sitting on top of?!? printer said out of black ink - put in new black ink. Then it said, oh no...we need yellow and light cyan too. Well, my DD had every color but yellow. OK...hmmm...took the laptop upstairs to plug into her printer - error. Printer not responding.'s a MacBook Pro so I re-booted from Mac OS to Windows...downloaded the Acrobat Reader I needed and it STILL wouldn't work. Dragged the monster downstairs - not supposed to be doing that with my back just now getting better but hey, a girl's gotta get her knitting info! Plugged it in - no go. Back upstairs for the Teen Beast's printer - drug it downstairs, rummaged for a USB cable; the only one I could find was exactly 14 inches long. Balancing the printer precariously on top of the old Windows tower, I finally, Freakin' FINALLY - after 3 hours - got the charts and instructions printed out!
I got the first hint! So now...I've brewed a fresh pot of coffee, am going to set up the ole heating pad right here in my desk chair and grab the first project bag. I want to stay near the computer as there's been maybe 7 digest's sent out from this Group and each one has a question answered for me or an explanation I needed. I swear, with the exception of an earthquake, I am gonna sit right here until I've got some sort of progress made on at least one of the stoles! (At least I got a few rows done on the Colorado sweater while waiting on error messages and the like).


Anonymous said...

What won't we do for a chart? I am glad you finally got them.

Have fun!

Vykky said...

And never having used a chart, I didn't know how badly I wanted it! Am having tons of fun; at row 24 on Janet's Secret...more to come and thanks so much!