There I was, happily following the chart; marking off my rows, counting my stitches and, in general, having a grand ole time. In comes the Old Man; in a rush; "Hi Honey I love you can you do this for me and I'm in a hurry". Silly me doesn't finish her row, doesn't mark where she was but instead, thought: "I'm doing so well, I will know exactly where I'm at and it's all gonna be good". Yeah. Right. I skipped a WS row and didn't even notice until 20 or so rows later. It's like this...it was too cold to knit outside and it's not too bright inside this house. But the trade of electrcial use is the heating pad for the overhead light. So the first half of my work; albeit beautiful work, (done with a warm back), is right side on right side. But the last half is wrong side on right side. I had even put in a lifeline but it was 3 rows below my flip act. And I know myself...there's no way I could tink and friggle my way back to it without losing it all anyway.
Confession time: I have never been able to frog row by row and am pretty good at screwing up a stitch by stitch tink routine too. I have to rip it all out and start over. At least I try to learn something along the way. Number 2: I've never - seriously - never - followed a pattern. Of any kind. At all. Never ever. Yeah sure, I look at em and note the finished sizing...taught to sew as a kid, that all makes sense. But the patterns themselves always baffled me. I just figured out how to get to the finished product my own way. But it's time I learned, doncha think? Number 3: I've never even looked at a chart before this KAL. And I'm making myself do it now cold turkey.
So...there you have it...all my secrets. It seemed appropriate to share all this now...in our shared "Secret". Forgive me? Understand me? Support me? Or laugh at me - right along with me?!?
awwww :( *hugs*
I still didn't start mine but I get the feeling I will be ripping a bit too u.u
Once you get past the points it is "smooth sailing". Good Luck and congrats on using the chart!
I am right there with you... well sort of. I didn't have to frog but this is the first time I've every followed a pattern and I'm deeply grateful for the designer of SotS that the hint is not overwhelmingly huge! I might actually get it done this week! I am going to put in a lifeline this morning. I'm on row 39 of the first point.
You had me laughing so hard!! I have done what you did and more. I am VERY good at tinking and frogging because I have lots and lots of practice LOL :o). Good luck - your attitude is great!
Thanks for the hug Veronica, and for the reminder I'm not alone in "messing up". You make some of the prettiest things! ( I like your blog and pics!)
Good luck with the Secret and have fun!
I was doing good DK! Your chart is awesome - easy to use (for me anyway!) and the pattern you've written is not only pretty but easy enough for my fat fumbling fingers to create. Sigh. No worries; I'm having loads of fun and will re-create it today (with more notes, markers and pins!)
Wow Cate - row 39! I'm hoping to get that far today...again! LOL at myself...there's so much to learn but I'm having a great time doing it soooo...it's all good!
Thanks for the encouragement Stitchin' Girl - coming from you and the creations I saw on your page...that's a huge thing for me! I'm going to do this...am off now to put on my "Little Engine That Could" costume and make another pot of coffee...
Awww, Vykky, I feel your pain. My fingers finally felt up to starting mine last night. I took it really slow because of the stiffness and not having used thin yarn in years. (Actually it's the first time I've used thin yarn as opposed to crochet cotton.)
There are a lot of different types of lights out there which might help without increasing your bill. I have a large magnifier with a little light attached that hangs around my neck. We have also been switching to florescent bulbs in our house. There's also those little book lights you can get at almost any book store.
Good luck to you.
Oh thanks for the ideas Anne! We're switching over to the low-energy tubular kind of bulbs but I really like your suggestion of the neck-hanging magnifier too! Might be enough "vision" to encourage me to try the "Secret" in true lace-weight. (She shudders) And the pearls with your navy has got to be gorgeous...share a pic soon, please?
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