Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Apple Pie in a jar Recipe

Canning at the "Doing" stage
Originally uploaded by vykky3630
Canning leftovers include jars that didn't seal which are immediately made up into fresh apple pies! And yes, I make a hell of a mess when I can...don't you?
Apple Pie in-a-jar Recipe (Makes about 7 quarts)
28 cups home-grown (free is best!) apples; sliced and peeled
1/2 tsp nutmeg
4 1/2 cups sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup cornstarch
10 cups water
2-3 tsp cinnamon
3 Tbsp lemon juice
Pack the apple slices fairly tightly into hot quart jars. Make a syrup from the sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, salt and water. (You can also "show the bowl" some All-Spice, if desired). Cook and stir until thick and bubbly. Add lemon juice, fill jars leaving about 1/2 inch space. Seal and process in boiling water bath for 20 minutes.
Use 2 quarts for a deep dish pan or 1 1/2 for a lower rimmed pan. Use balance of 2nd quart on waffles or ice cream. Yum!
Stats per the recipe...
Servings per recipe: 16
Calories per serving: 378
Total fat: 0.8 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 151 mg
Total Carbs: 97.1 g
Dietary Fiber: 6.1 g
Protein: 0.5 g
Experience Tips: I use about half of the syrup called for so as to sharply reduce the amount of sugar/carbs. I also can get away with using only 2/3 cup of cornstarch and 1/2 tsp salt too. Lemon juice is dashed over the apple slices while tossing into a bowl for prep (which takes 2 - 2 1/2 hours) so I re-use the lemon juice from the bottom of the bowl in the syrup recipe.
"Apple canned anything" is a whole lot of labor with little return so it is surely a labor of love. Make it worth your time by making a fresh pie for a loved one while your last batch is in the canning kettle. Use left-overs in a smaller "personal" pie for that man who is always snacking. And grow your own organic apples or make the day of that old farmer down the road...take him a jar already done and ask to pick his apples. Chances are, many of us have an elder farmer nearby who's wife has either passed on or is too old to do much baking. They both will enjoy the gift and you get free smiles and apples too.

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