Thursday, August 9, 2007

That's a Screamin' Blue Dishcloth

I'm hoping and trying to teach a friend to knit. I needed a simple one-stitch project to show her with and since she loves bright colors AND this vivid blue matches a swirl on the counter-tops in my kitchen...I had to use it. Such a lovely cotton from Sweden; Cotton Lux by idena the label says. The rest of it is in Swedish, I guess, so I am clueless on what it says.
Vykky's Eyelet/Dobby Border Whatever
(An old-fashioned simple knit usually used for dishcloths, I've found this works wonderfully with any yarn, in any pattern, with any stitch and to any size. Making a shawl with really funky art yarn? Stop halfway as a triangle at the size desired. The perfect mindless knitting and take-along project).
*sl1, k1, yo, k1*, k to end
Repeat from * to * each row then knit/purl/whatever pattern you choose to end.
If making a shawl, BO at desired size.
If making a square (ie; a dishcloth, blanket, etc.), once project is a triangle of half desired complet size, do the following:
*sl1, k2tog, yo, k2tog, k1*, knit/purl/whatever pattern you've chosen to end.
Down to 4 stitches? BO.

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