Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Stash Confessions

OK, I am going to admit here and now that my "stash" is a bit out of hand. It's not that it's "so big" or anything...far from it. But this first pic shows just how un-organized it all is. This is all the large grey tote, the bags spilling open on top of the tote, the big red tote next to the large grey tote, the cardboard box on top of the big red tote, the box next to it...well, you get the idea. And this isn't all of it. There's another 3 canvas tote bags on the dining room table with not-quite WIP's in them. (I tend to find a pattern or make up one then "discover" (ie; buy, dig up, hock a kidney for...) yarn, collect the proper needles for said project then stuff it all into a canvas tote bag so it's all ready to go when I am.
And here (to the right) you see part of my fleece stash. This is all washed and mostly carded fleece just waiting for assignment to inspiration. Let's see...there's Sophie and Madeline; the Anniversary Gift fleeces, there's Ashley, a young Mohair donor. The white bags hold buffalo fluff that needs picking and cleaning (and there's 3 more of them - 5 pounds of buff fluff in each) and last but certainly not least, Bruno. Bruno was my very first raw fleece. A box of cria splendor in cinnamon brown. His fleece was so soft and easy to spin - he sort of ruined me for using my wheel since he was so very easy to spin. (Sort of like hitting the jackpot the first time you sit down at a slot machine...ruins you for life as you think "it's always this easy"). Fortunately, spinning gets easier and better the more I do it. (But who has time here lately?) Spinning and processing more of this glory is gonna have to wait until the "outside duties" season slows down it's march into Fall and then Winter.
This third pic shows the absolute mountain of raw fleeces awaiting their turn. Yes, those boxes are stacked 3 high and are layed out 3 deep. There's Paco and Gus; the rescued llama fleeces, Sunshine and Blossom; a Romney ewe and her lamb who donated their fluffy wonders. Then there's an un-named ewe of white lanolin-drenched goodness - I think she's BFL/Romney and will probably become an outdoor-sy working sweater for myself someday. (Someday?) And there's also a feed bag crammed full of 5 - count em! 5! Black-faced Scottish fleeces. (I traded those for a plate of home-made cookies and a bag of hand-made soaps...not bad, huh!) Out of all this raw fleece, I want to shout to the world that I only bought (you know...purchased, traded cash money for) 1 of these. Yup. Barter is alive and well in my world and I like it that way.
I'm probably the only person in the world who is grateful that my Ravelry invite is still several weeks down the road. This room is destined to become my "Fiber Den" but right now, it still is mostly full of the previous occupants' antique car parts and Harley pieces (he is a friend of ours so no pressure to move his stuff the hell out of my way. No, no pressure at all...none. Grrr.). Sigh. I'm thinking that the next rainy day (ie; a work indoor kind of day) that I don't feel like washing walls or painting or drywalling, etc. is going to become a "pile his stuff" out of my way sort of day and then....THEN...I will take over the "Fiber Den". I see shelves and bins and organization in my future.
Now, back to my theories on cloning myself...

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